Monday, April 24, 2006


Desi and Zoe continue to get used to each other. Des seems to be a little more playful than Zoe is ready for. She now sizes him up quickly and sometimes before he even approaches her will signal her reluctance for a cuddle. Early mornings are the best times for her to weather Desi's big loves. He doesn't yet seem to understand the idea of gentle loves. :::sigh:::

Zoe is three months old now -- she is a love. I miss her quite a bit when I'm not with her. Those dimpled smiles! I can't bury my lips deep enough into her cheeks. Thankfully she can handle my loves! I often get gleeful squeals from her accompanied by these little happy jig movements she does with her whole body. Des enjoys helping Zoe hold her bottle when they are with their dadda. We praise him generously.

Click to see many pics here

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