Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Little Boy's Pockets

He has myheart in there, right next to the bottlecaps.

I was speaking with a friend the other day, who has a 4yearold little boy, and she was telling me about how her son always has his pockets full of thingsthingsthings he’s collected.

Wow! Did I smile and suddenly love LITTLE BOYS -- 10times more than my already 100x100 times. These littleboyquirks are completely new and wondrous to me. I grew up with girlsgirlsgirls – we ruled.

Desmond P. Jones, is a voracious littleboy collector. His eyes are constantly probing the ground for the precious things he knows it will yield. Recent finds have been: a broken Mickey Mouse alarm clock, used notebooks, empty matchboxes, rocks, pinecones, plastic bags, clothespins, playing cards, broken toys, fireworks casings, and, of course, bottlecaps — he even harvests other kids’ drawings from the garbage at school. When we were in Philadelphia for a month last summer, we began scheduling treasure hunts. Our neighborhood, in East Falls, has very grand old houses and on garbage day the things waiting on the curbs will make you sparkle. Des simply exploded. Every Monday, we would leave after breakfast with our bags and race against the trucks for the cast-off goods -- I was hoping for old furniture and books, he would take just about anything.

To emphasize the limitless possibilities of people’s trash, we went to a gallery on South Street that was filled with sculptures made from refuse – toys, electronics, furniture, etc. – we were in there for over an hour and Des was COMPLETELY inspired. Ha!

I secretly hope all this will refine into a passion for flea markets and yard sales and that we will be antiquing buddies all over the WORLD!

Happy Earth Day!
Go raid/recycle some garbage.


Educating Evelyn said...

Aww, Des is so cute! Addie has recently discovered her pockets. She mostly likes to put her hands in them and walk around, but she occasionally will stop and collect a rock for later too. =)

JennyJ said...

My boys are starting to phase out of the little boy phase....we have had so many treasures....the most prized was the silver ends off of pencils. :)
Love the things they think they have to have.

Michael, Heidi, Eden, and Lyla said...

awe oh... I hope this doesn't lead to obsessive hording! I've seen the shows... there TERRIFYING! :) I hope its a "little boy" phase that matures into something wonderful like antiquing too! :) Love you all! xoxoxo