Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Zoe at 13months

More Zoe, more of the time.

Can't get enough of this girl. She's such an interesting little person. Coming to this world so sober and contemplative, not feigning a full fledged smile till 6mos. Then little by little squeeking and scratching out little laughs. The dimples in her cheeks are now frequently flashing -- the exclamation point to her smile.

She's comprehending so many things -- I love testing her. One morning this week, she was reaching for Desmond's beverage and I told her it was his and we don't share beverages, then I told her to go get hers from another room where she left it. She turned around waddled away and came back holding it with a triumphant smile on her face! It was such an amazing moment! Ah! She understands our language!

This last Sunday another similar episode: she made off with little Noah Horey's (9mos?) puffs while we were in a meeting together at church. I told her they were Noah's puffs and she needed to return them, then I held up some puffs I'd brought and told her these were Zoe's puffs. Again, she turned around, walked across the room to Noah's diaper bag, stuffed them back inside, then returned eagerly to claim her puffs! (Later she got a cute little laugh from Noah as she played peek-a-boo from behind our stoller -- watch the video in the link above to hear his cutecute laugh!)

Here's the current lexicon of Zoe's baby talk:

Nana (banana)
Ninigh (night, night)
Key (turkey)
Ahhhh… ohhhh….
Nonononono (no)

Also, shakes her head “yes” and “no” when asked a question.

Perhaps you've noticed one rather significant word missing from the list above... Yeah, she's not keen on the "mamma" word yet. But actions speak louder than words, I know she loves me.

(Say my name girl!)

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